White Cube – Two self-portraits in chocolate


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“We are the Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise — CATPC. We are a group of plantation workers who live on a deserted palm oil plantation. Unilever abandoned it after a century of amassing profits through destructive monoculture. While these profits were partly invested in museums in Europe, few of the benefits returned to the plantation.

So we decided to join forces and start making art. We make self- portraits that we reproduce in chocolate.
The New York Times hailed our first solo show in the US as “best art of the year.”

With the proceeds of our art, we buy back land and develop ecological and egalitarian food gardens. At the center of these gardens, we built a white cube. That’s where we operate from. Our goal is to buy back and restore 2.000 hectares of land, to provide food for our community and help mitigate climate change.

Buy our self-portraits. It’s the best chocolate you’ve ever had.”

The price of the product is €10, plus €4 for shipping.